Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway 5: Steve Galpin Shelter at Moose Lookout -> Mt. Sunapee -> Tippicanoe Campground

I got up earlier than usual and force fed myself peanut butter Cliff bar. The thing is that I got tired of all the trail food and I started to feel like having some "real" food. I did not want to cook another oatmeal. I rolled up the camp (I had a tent inside of the shelter because of black flies that were relentless and did not seem to care about DEET the night before), and I drank a lot of water as I seemed to be pretty dehydrated. Leaving the camp I stopped by the stream and sterilized more water as I wasn't sure if I would get anything on Sunapee Ridge before hitting Lake Solitude. Pre-filtering water for treatment with SteriPen This was a good call as there wasn't any good flowing streams as I started the climb. Lucia's Lookout offered a nice wide view. Wide view from Lucia's Lookout Later on there was a smaller lookout from which I could get a glimpse of what I thought were "the Ledges." After the hike I began ...