Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway 5: Steve Galpin Shelter at Moose Lookout -> Mt. Sunapee -> Tippicanoe Campground

I got up earlier than usual and force fed myself peanut butter Cliff bar. The thing is that I got tired of all the trail food and I started to feel like having some "real" food. I did not want to cook another oatmeal. I rolled up the camp (I had a tent inside of the shelter because of black flies that were relentless and did not seem to care about DEET the night before), and I drank a lot of water as I seemed to be pretty dehydrated. Leaving the camp I stopped by the stream and sterilized more water as I wasn't sure if I would get anything on Sunapee Ridge before hitting Lake Solitude. 

Pre-filtering water for treatment with SteriPen

This was a good call as there wasn't any good flowing streams as I started the climb.  Lucia's Lookout offered a nice wide view. 

Wide view from Lucia's Lookout

Later on there was a smaller lookout from which I could get a glimpse of what I thought were "the Ledges." 

After the hike I began to wonder if maybe "the Ledges" was actually a name for steep wall over Lake Solitude?  I think a mile later I got to a point where a red blazed trail was departing to the East with a sign saying "View" painted on the rock. I followed it and in a short distance found myself on top of "the Ledges"  with great view to the East.  The red trail continued further apparently to Mountain Road.  

This way to a view

Back to MSG I was on my favorite section of the trail going over granite rock with sub-alpine vegetation.  

Yet more lichen

I also saw some evidence of moose presence in the area. 

Moose nuggets

Eventually the trail descended to Lake Solitude.  

Lake Solitude seen from MSG

For the first time in days I heard human voices while on the trail (I don't count going through towns) yet I could not see anyone walking alongside Lake Solitude.  The mystery resolved itself when I started going up again and noticed a side trail to a lookout.  The view of Lake Solitude from the top was amazing and there it was a family sitting on rocky ledges and enjoying the view.

Lake Solitude seen from lookout above

 It was less than a mile from there to Mt. Sunapee with the final section of the trail following summit lodge road.  

Lake Sunapee from summit lodge road / ski slope

I was a bit confused as to where the top of Mt. Sunapee was since I couldn't find a USGS benchmark but I suspect it is right under a platform next to the summit lodge.  The last trail marker was pointing in that direction as well. 

Last MSG trail marker I was able to find

I took a celebratory picture on the platform and sat down on a nearby rock. 

I made it!

I pulled out my copy of the trail guide and checked that the trail ends at the summit lodge.
  Content that I didn't miss the finish line I began descending on Goshen Trail which is just a woods road sparingly blazed with blue markers. I was thinking to myself that I saw lots of coyote tracks, several moose hoof prints and moose "nuggets" but I did not see any bear tracks.  Then less than a mile from the trail end I spotted a bear paw print in a dried up puddle.  

At least one bear was here!

I guess this made my hike really complete! :-) According to the trail guide there is parking at Goshen trail head, however, the bridge on trail access road is rotten / partially collapsed so I doubt any car can currently drive over it.  Once on Brook Road it was less than 1/3 mile walk to the campground.  My car was perfectly fine and I got a tent site for the night, so that I wouldn't have to drive back home tired.

Finally, I would like to thank all MSG trail maintainers who contribute countless hours to make our hiking experience better!

Really great adventure!


  1. Great report! I've been eyeing this trail for a few years now but have not gotten out to it yet. I hope to do it soon.

    1. Good luck with your hike and let me know if you have any questions.


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